Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Music Memory

Listening to the Brandi Carlise station on Pandora has awakened my music memory and made my mind and my fingers itchy to record the here and now . . . the voices of Tracy Chapman and Rachael Yamagata (who I've never heard of until "Duet" played) have taken me to times and places I've been in my life . . . This latest blogspot (I think I have 3 others, but I can't figure out how to post on them) is aptly titled because last 7 years of my life have been a pilgrimage - a journeying from one place to another, physically, emotionally, spiritually. This last stop on the physical map has involved 7 hearth moves. Seven times I have packed up my two youngest and moved them. Seven times they have had to adjust to new sleeping arrangements and schedules . . . and we're not done yet. There is at least more . . . and that makes me tired.

There are blessings and curses to being on the move. To never actually settling. Today I am trying to be grateful for the blessings. I think I'll count them after my nap.

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